Fountain of You is Glowing with 75 Google Reviews

Fountain of You is Glowing with 75 Google Reviews

Fountain of You is glowing with 75 Google Reviews, and we are excited. Thanks to our amazing clients!  Not only have we reached 75 reviews, but we have maintained a FIVE STAR rating!  We are thrilled that our clients are so happy that they chose to take time out of their busy schedules to leave […]

What is a DiamondGlow Facial?

diamond facial treatment

A DiamondGlow Medical Facial is a next-level facial that reaches beyond the surface of your skin. A DiamondGlow facial requires their patented, recessed, diamond tip wand to deliver the treatment. There are six different wands for your skincare technician to choose from in order to make your facial the most effective for your specific skin […]

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment

A beautiful mature woman touching her neck

If you have recently noticed some signs of aging, such as wrinkles or sun damage, then you may be interested in ways to combat these bothersome signs. Perhaps the thought of injecting something foreign into your body bothers you. We understand that many of you feel that way.  That is why Fountain of You is […]

Combating the Effects of Aging with the Glytone Jessner Medical Peel

Woman with dark spots and hyperpigmentation, Glytone Jessner Medical Peel

As you age, you may have noticed that your skin is changing. Your skin once looked supple with few lines or wrinkles. You may have once had even skin tone, and now have dark splotches on your face. You may be wondering where this aged skin came from, how it ended up on your body, […]

Attack the Aging Process as a Couple

Smiling husband embracing cheerful wife from behind at medical spa for anti-aging treatments.

If you are married, one of the many benefits is that you are not aging alone. We aren’t just talking about growing old with someone. We are talking about the actual physical effects of aging. Skin imperfections, wrinkles, hormone changes, and more are all part of the natural aging process. But there is no law […]

My Chest Has Wrinkles!

A beautiful mature woman touching her neck

Did you ever notice ladies with wrinkles on their chest?  They are usually vertical lines as opposed to horizontal lines like those on a forehead.  You may have wondered how that happens.  You probably even thought something like, “I use sunscreen. That will never happen to me.”  Now, here you are, looking in the mirror […]

Why Do My Hands Look Ten Years Older Than I Am?

Why Do My Hands Look Ten Years Older Than I Am?

If your hands don’t look older than you are, you have probably seen people with these aged-looking hands.  You look at their hands, you look at their face, and then you wonder which one is telling their real age?  Have they had botox to look younger?  Or, are there hands just aging faster than the […]

A “Cool” Laser Treatment

CoolPeel Laser Therapy

At Fountain of You, we like to provide our clients with the most up to date treatments available for them on their journey of youth and wellness.  We have recently added a new treatment option that is pretty “cool.”  We mean this in every sense of the word! What is CoolPeel? Our new treatment is […]

How to Treat Estrogen-Deficient Skin

How to Treat Estrogen-Deficient Skin

The more birthdays you have under your belt, the more you’ll notice it. The aging process might affect everyone differently to some degree, but there’s no escaping it! For women, in particular, the body goes through a lot of changes, and this is especially true during perimenopause and menopause. Common symptoms of menopause include night […]

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