Attack the Aging Process as a Couple

Smiling husband embracing cheerful wife from behind at medical spa for anti-aging treatments.

If you are married, one of the many benefits is that you are not aging alone. We aren’t just talking about growing old with someone. We are talking about the actual physical effects of aging. Skin imperfections, wrinkles, hormone changes, and more are all part of the natural aging process. But there is no law saying that you have to accept these changes sitting down! And, if you are married, you can even attack aging together – Anti-Agers Unite!

What Anti-Aging Treatments Can We Do Together? 

The first thing we suggest is that you make an appointment with us at Fountain of You. We offer a wide variety of ways to combat the aging process to help you look and feel your best. We take a whole-body approach to your anti-aging program. If you need to lose weight, we work in conjunction with local professionals and exercise services to help you achieve your weight goal.

If you are both experiencing unwanted wrinkles, we can schedule you for an appointment to attack those wrinkles! That may have sounded a bit aggressive, but rest assured that our procedures are not painful! We recommend a variety of fillers to help fill in areas of your face that have lost volume. We also offer Botox, which relaxes facial muscles that cause wrinkles. If you are unfamiliar with what Botox does, check out these before and after clips

Perhaps your skin seems dull or dark patches (hyperpigmentation) that have recently appeared. We offer a variety of medical and chemical peels to address such skin issues. Your skin will look and feel better than it has in years!

Something else you might like to do together is laser hair removal. Ladies, after forty years of shaving, are you ready to put down the razor? Men, do you have hair in areas that you don’t want it, such as your back? Laser hair removal is the answer you have both been seeking!

Lastly, you may both be experiencing hormonal changes that naturally occur with aging. We offer menopause and andropause therapy, which may include bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. In case you are unfamiliar with the term andropause, it refers to the hormonal changes that take place within men as they age – the male version of menopause, to put it simply.

Fountain of You is Here to Help 

If you are ready to combat aging together, then Fountain of You is the place to go! We are located in Melbourne and offer everything you need to fight the aging process safely and effectively. Under the gentle and expert care of Dr. Kim Zipper and her team of professionals, we know you will leave each appointment feeling rejuvenating and looking younger, and doing it together! 

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Tightline Productions (Staff)
Tight Line Productions is an award-winning, full-service advertising agency.
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