Melbourne, FL

Helping Men Combat Andropause

Male patient talking to female doctor about andropause

On the whole, women go through more physically compared to men. You can not dispute the fact that women go through decades of having a menstrual cycle, giving birth to children, and after all that, going through menopause. Additionally, they may experience issues such as ovarian cysts, endometriosis, and uterine fibroids. All painful ailments, and all problems men can’t experience. At this point, you might be thinking this blog has nothing to do with helping men, but rest assured, it does. Just keep reading!

Fluctuating Hormones 

Even though women go through many physical situations that men don’t, women and men may have more physical commonalities than you think. While most of us are familiar with the fact that women have fluctuating hormones each month due to their monthly menstrual cycle, have you ever wondered if men might go through something similar? After all, men’s bodies are full of hormones too. Surely, they don’t maintain the same hormone levels all day, every day.

In an article on, Dr. Estelle Ramey, endocrinologist and professor at Georgetown University Medical School, states, “The evidence of them may be less dramatic, but the monthly changes are no less real.” Men’s testosterone levels vary throughout the day, week, month, and year. So, if you feel like your boyfriend, husband, or you (if you are a male reading this) are a little more edgy, grumpy, or just out-of-sorts, you are probably right! And, you have just as much of a hormonal cause for it as women! It may be even more noticeable as you approach mid-life. 

The Male Version of Menopause 

While women go through menopause, men may experience symptoms referred to as andropause. The causes and effects of andropause may be more gradual and less noticeable than those of menopause, but they are real. 

After the age of thirty, men’s testosterone levels decrease approximately ten percent per decade. When testosterone levels become lower, this can affect men both physically and emotionally, causing symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, mood swings, and increased body fat. Sound familiar? Yes, the symptoms are quite similar to those of menopause, just not usually as sudden and not always as severe.

Combating Andropause

So, what can men do to combat andropause? You can visit us at Fountain of You, a boutique anti-aging medical center located in Melbourne. Under the expert care of Dr. Kim Zipper, we offer andropause therapy for men. We take an extensive lab panel to determine your vitamin levels, hormone levels, and blood count. We then tailor your diet/fitness care and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy specifically to your needs. There is no need to be embarrassed or feel resigned to not “feeling like yourself” for the rest of your life. There is hope and help for you at Fountain of You!

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Tightline Productions (Staff)
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