What is Bellafill?
Bellafill is an FDA-approved injectable dermal filler made with collagen base and polymathy methacrylate (PMMA) microspheres. It is applied on the cheeks, chin, lips, nose and around the mouth. Bellafill is used to improve appearance of wrinkles, and may also be used to treat acne for individuals 21 and up.
How does Bellafill work?
Upon injection, collagen in Bellafill is absorbed by your body. While the microspheres stay in place to provide structure for when your body starts producing collagen, rejuvenating the appearance of skin.
Regarding acne scars, Bellafill doesn’t just “fill in” these skin imperfections. While individual outcomes may vary, the Bellafill treatment is designed to restore acne scarred skin in less time, for longer, and more affordably than prior treatments.
Bellafill procedures allow you most often to quick return to your normal routine and daily activity. Some patients may experience temporary (resolved within one day to one week), minor side effects such as swelling, redness, pain, bruising, lumps or bumps, itching, and discoloration at the site of treatment.

What does Bellafill Do for Your Complexion?
Acne Scars
Over 50 million Americans experience acne annually, most often beginning at the start of puberty. This debilitating condition for some can follow you all the way through your adult years leaving deep depressions or raised bumps on your skin. You may be able to outgrow the outbreaks, but many are left with the negative mental and physical impacts of acne scars.
Smile Lines
The life you’ve been enjoying over the years can become visible on your face as you age. The deep creases around the corners of your mouth extending up to the corners of your nose have a scientific name, nasolabial folds. But that doesn’t much matter to most; what you do care about is filling in those creases and lines for a youthful smooth appearance when you smile.
If there is anything that all people—men and women—have in common, it’s the experience of wrinkles. Whether you are predisposed genetically, a recovering smoker, have lighter skin, or have been a bit more haphazard with sunscreen use over the years, wrinkles are a natural rite of passage into aging. These bothersome lines, creases, and crevices most often creep up on your face, neck, and hands.
Bellafill® at Fountain of You in Melbourne, FL
Fountain of You owner, Dr. Kim Zipper is an expert anti-aging physician, board certified in anesthesiology, and an exclusive provider of Bellafill® in Melbourne, FL and Merritt Island. Dr. Zipper and her team of compassionate medical professionals will arrange a consultation and a personalized treatment plan to meet your budget and time expectations.
If you are seeking Bellafill near you give us a call at 321-574-5376 or schedule your appointment online. Fountain of You provides our customers Bellafill injections all across Brevard County including Melbourne, Merritt Island, Viera, Palm Bay, and neighboring cities. It’s never too late, you don’t need to wait to achieve the smooth, youthful, radiant skin, and overall wellness you deserve.