Melbourne, FL

My Chest Has Wrinkles!

A beautiful mature woman touching her neck

Did you ever notice ladies with wrinkles on their chest?  They are usually vertical lines as opposed to horizontal lines like those on a forehead.  You may have wondered how that happens.  You probably even thought something like, “I use sunscreen. That will never happen to me.”  Now, here you are, looking in the mirror saying, “What?  I have those wrinkles!”

When we are young we often have no idea of the varying places our bodies will decide to wrinkle!  It is like an unexpected and unwelcome surprise when, all of a sudden, we look in the mirror and discover that wrinkle on our chest, of all places!

Decrease in Collagen

The chest may seem like an odd place to develop wrinkles.  The skin there is thin.  Really, there isn’t that much skin there in the first place!  As with all wrinkles, the main cause of wrinkles is the decrease in collagen that we experience as we age.  While we still feel young and vibrant on the inside, our body changes in ways that we cannot control, such as the decrease in collagen.

Sun Damage

Another major cause of these chest wrinkles is sun damage.  Remember that thin chest skin we mentioned?  That thin layer of skin is actually more prone to sun damage than thicker layers of skin on other areas of our bodies.  We typically think of our face first in terms of applying sunscreen.  Our shoulders are another area we often remember to apply sunscreen if we are wearing a tank top or sundress.  But, how often do you apply sunscreen to your chest?  If you do it faithfully, then good for you!  You may be fortunate enough to have less of an issue with chest wrinkles.  But, even people who faithfully apply sunscreen daily, will eventually show signs of aging.  Nobody dies at the age of ninety looking like they are twenty (without cosmetic surgery!).

Sleeping Habits

One last cause of chest wrinkles is simply the repeated wrinkling of the skin caused by things such as always sleeping on one’s side.  It is the same concept as laugh lines around your eyes because your eyes squeeze shut causing creases each time you smile.

Chest Refresh

But, don’t be discouraged!  While it may be a bit of a challenge to prevent these chest wrinkles from forming, there is something you can do!  At Fountain of You, we offer a Chest Refresh which is a decollete filler – a filler for your chest wrinkles.  Why should our faces or necks get all the fillers to themselves?  Your chest can look its best right in time for warmer weather!  If you were feeling nervous about wearing your swimsuit on that upcoming cruise, then now is the time to call us.  Wear that swimsuit with confidence, free of those pesky chest wrinkles!

Fountain of You med spa is located in Melbourne. We are a boutique-style, anti-aging medical spa.  We specialize in helping you feel and look younger, concentrating on the whole person.  We offer botox, lip fillers, facials, and laser hair removal.  We also offer preventive therapies to aid in anti-aging.  Your anti-aging routine will be uniquely designed just for you.  Please give us a call today to begin your anti-aging odyssey!

Tightline Productions (Staff)
Tightline Productions (Staff)
Tight Line Productions is an award-winning, full-service advertising agency.

April & May 2024


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