What’s So Special About RF Micro-Needling?

RF Microneedling

It’s no secret that we all want to look and feel our best, no matter our age. It’s also no secret that, as we grow older, our skin starts losing elasticity and our bodies change. We develop lines around our eyes and mouth. Our lips lose collagen and appear less full. The skin under our […]

Top Beauty Trends in 2019

Top Beauty Trends in 2019

In days gone by, the only way to alter your look was to have invasive cosmetic surgery of some type. Thankfully, these days are long gone with the rise of products such as dermal fillers and Botox Cosmetic which allows for almost instantaneous results with no downtime. Procedures such as RF micro-needling chemical peels in […]

How to Apply Makeup Like a Pro

How To Apply Makeup Like A Pro

We know that many women love to use cosmetics as a way to enhance their natural beauty and when it comes to proper application techniques, the task can seem daunting.

Lip Sense: What Your Lips Say About You

Lip Sense

What does your smile say about you? We have all heard that the eyes are the window to the soul, so what to the lips determine? If you ask a physiognomist, a person adept at determining character from appearance, lips reveal much about our inner character. For example, full lips may mean that you are […]

Three Powerful Steps to Healthy Skin

Steps to Healthier Skin

It’s never too early nor is it too late to begin taking care of the skin you are in. This may mean beginning a skin care regimen or clearing the slate and ushering in a new product line such as Skinmedica from Fountain of You. Perhaps it is time to reconsider the foods you put […]

Turn Back Time: Rid Yourself of Age Spots for Good

Age Spots

Have you begun to notice small dark areas of hyperpigmentation on the parts of your body that are most often exposed to the sun? Here in Florida where the skies are sunny almost year-round and the warm temps leave most of us exposing our arms and legs, you may notice these “spots” on places such […]

3 Steps to Combat the Signs of Aging on Your Hands

3 Steps to Combat the Signs of Aging on Your Hands

When you think about aging skin, where does your mind go first? If you are like most, chances are your first thought is the skin on your face. So much of our anti-aging energy tends to be focused on this area. We apply serums, creams, and, of course, sunscreen. We look for the tangible clues […]

Eat Seasonally for Optimal Health

Healthy Eating Habits - Change your Habit, Change your Life

“Seasonal eating” is a term that refers to choosing fruits and vegetables that are currently in season. Now, this may seem simple, but with so many choices available at all times in our grocery stores, how can you know what is seasonal and what isn’t? How do you make the best choices for your health […]

Summer Skin Protection

woman taking care of her skin during summer

Summer is here on the Space Coast! Time to pull out the warm weather gear and hit the beaches, something we can so easily do here in Brevard County, FL. With so much to do outdoors here, Fountain of You, Melbourne, FL’s premier destination for anti-aging and aesthetic services offering Botox, fillers, laser hair removal, […]

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