Turn Back Time: Rid Yourself of Age Spots for Good

Age Spots

Have you begun to notice small dark areas of hyperpigmentation on the parts of your body that are most often exposed to the sun? Here in Florida where the skies are sunny almost year-round and the warm temps leave most of us exposing our arms and legs, you may notice these “spots” on places such as your hands, face, arms, or shoulders, and even legs. If this sounds like you, you could have age spots also referred to as liver spots or lentigines. While you may not love the way they look, age spots are not anything to be concerned about as they are harmless. They may not be harmful to your health, but this does not mean that you want them hanging around. There are things you can to lessen their appearance and, in some instances, remove them all together. Remember aging is inevitable, but how you age is entirely up to you.

First of all, you may be wondering why lentigines (age spots) even develop. You know it is due to sun exposure, but why? Repeated exposure to ultraviolet light causes an overproduction of melanin, the pigment responsible for skin color. The areas of the body most often exposed are most susceptible to the development of these darker spots. They are the byproduct of sun exposure and this is yet another reason why sunscreen is an absolute must for your daily skincare routine. Age spots tend to occur in those adults over the age of 40 but can occur in younger adults, too. There are some exceptions of course. The Mayo Clinic points out that those who have fair skin are more likely to see these signs of sun exposure.

This hyperpigmentation can be unsightly for some but there is hope. The beauty industry has several procedures that can be used to help rid you of age spots. The American Academy of Dermatology states that there are two treatment types: lotions and/or creams and cosmetic procedures. Today we are going to focus on cosmetic procedures that yield tremendous results.

For those of you looking for a rather quick solution to your pigmentation issues, IPL Treatment, also known as photorejuvenation, is a great choice. Intense pulsed light is absorbed deep within the skin where change occurs at the cellular level what follows is your body’s natural healing response and smooth even-toned skin. This treatment is minimally invasive and gives you virtually no downtime for recovery and can be used anywhere on the body.

Laser treatments are another route for those of you wishing to even out your skin tone. They tend to be more effective in a shorter amount of time and CO2 Laser Resurfacing at Fountain of You is something you may want to consider. After just one treatment you will notice a marked improvement in your skin tone and immediate collagen stimulation. Your once damaged skin becomes new and you will see results, we guarantee it.

Fountain of You is Melbourne, FL’s premier anti-aging and aesthetic clinic. We know that the sun can be cruel but you do not have to live with the after effects forever. You can have smooth textured even skin and we can help you get there. For more information, contact our office today.

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Tightline Productions (Staff)
Tight Line Productions is an award-winning, full-service advertising agency.
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