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DHEA is a sex hormone precursor that can help increase declining levels of testosterone in both men and women. The level of activity is not significant enough in a man to treat a low testosterone level but it can increase lean muscle mass and decrease abdominal fat (in people who are doing strength training exercises.) Our DHEA is provided as a sublingual tablet to bypass the liver metabolism that occurs with an orally ingested tablet to increase bioavailability.


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CAUTION: DHEA should only be used after your labs have been drawn and Dr. Zipper has determined the correct dose for you based on your lab values. There is no evidence that a super-physiologic blood level of DHEA is of benefit and may be harmful. Because DHEA is sold as a food additive, it is not tightly regulated by the FDA. There are many DHEA products on the market that do not contain the dosage of DHEA described on the label so be careful if purchasing DHEA from a source other than Fountain of You.


Serving Size: ½ to 1 sublingual, bisect tablet
Servings Per Container:60-120

DHEA 12.5-25 mg (Dr. Zipper will individualize the dose)

Other ingredients: Mannitol, cellulose, silica, and vegetable stearate


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