Was Your New Year’s Resolution to Lose Weight?

Healthy Diet 2021

No, the amazing staff at Fountain of You was not eavesdropping on your New Year’s resolution! According to an article from Performance Health, 48% of the people who made resolutions in 2019 wanted to lose weight, so it was a pretty safe guess that it might have been your resolution this year! In related resolutions, 59% resolved to exercise more and 54% resolved to eat healthier. And, if you are resolving to exercise more and/or eat healthier, isn’t that ultimately resolving to lose weight?

Maintaining or improving health is always a great goal to set for yourself. Unfortunately, according to that same article, 80% of New Year’s resolutions are broken within the first year, and 20% are broken within the first week of January! That is not being shared to discourage you! We are here to encourage you and let you know that we are on your side. We want to help you become one of the few and proud who uphold their New Year’s resolution to lose weight and get healthier!

How Can Fountain of You Help Me Lose Weight?

Fountain of You is a whole body anti-aging and wellness medical center. While we specialize in anti-aging, we believe that a big part of holding off the aging process is maintaining your overall health. We will create a personalized fitness program for you based on your personal exercise ability and body composition.

We offer the DEXA scan which gives us your full body composition measurement, providing precise information on the mass and distribution of fat, lean muscle, and bone. We also offer expert nutritional counseling in which we will set up a nutritional program for you based on your individual evaluation. With diet and nutrition, we do not take a one-size-fits-all approach because we know that would be ineffective. Each of our clients is unique and has individual needs that we seek to meet.

This month we are offering a weight loss special which includes a free consultation and free InBody scan which is a $150 value! The InBody scan gives an accurate look at body fat, lean muscle mass, basal metabolic weight, water retention, and muscle mass in your arms, legs, and trunk. This is a great starting point to help us get you on the right weight loss road for you.

Fountain of You Is Here for You!

At Fountain of You, we love being a part of your health, weight loss, and anti-aging journey. Headed by Dr. Kim Zipper, our talented and professional staff treat each client with compassion, addressing their specific, individual needs. If you are ready to keep your New Year’s resolution, then give us a call at 321-574-5376 for your free consultation and InBody scan today!

Picture of Tightline Productions (Staff)
Tightline Productions (Staff)
Tight Line Productions is an award-winning, full-service advertising agency.
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