Melbourne, FL

The Sugar Crisis

The Sugar Crisis

Sugar is everywhere. Sometimes its presence is glaringly obvious and other times it makes a surprise appearance in unlikely places. We recently took a closer look at the Paleo lifestyle here at Fountain of You. We believe that eating as close to nature as possible and being mindful of the sources of the foods we eat is incredibly important. Diets rich in whole unprocessed foods give our bodies the key micro and macro nutrients we need to function optimally. Of course, there is naturally occurring sugar and it can be found in fruits and vegetables along with dairy products. Unfortunately, the standard American diet is filled with highly processed food and an abundance of added sugar. If you are seeking to create a healthy lifestyle, it is crucial that you make yourself an informed consumer and learning the facts about hidden sugars is a great place to start. is a website from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), dedicated to reporting scientifically based information on sugar and its effects on health. According to UCSF, there are 61 DIFFERENT names for sugar. That fact alone is astounding. If you are attempting to cut sugar from your diet, you need to know what to look out for. Many of us are familiar with names like high fructose corn syrup, brown sugar, raw sugar, white sugar, maltose, dextrose, and so on. But, what about names such as barley malt, panocha, or even muscovado? These names wouldn’t set off any bells and whistles to most of us, but they are sources of sugar nonetheless.

Because there are so many names for sugar, it can be easily missed if you are checking labels. It’s relatively easy to guess that added sugar can be found in sweet tasting foods like cakes, cookies and candy bars. However, did you know that many savory foods have added sugars as well? Take spaghetti sauce for instance. Did you know that most store-bought brands have added sugar? There are many products labeled “healthy” or even “organic” that have added sugars as well. It’s an epidemic.

The bottom line is that consumers need to be aware. Recognize sugar in all its many forms so that you can be armed with the knowledge to make the best choices. Food companies and advertising executives don’t make it easy either. They both are counting on shoppers to turn a blind eye to cleverly labeled food products. You can make the best decisions about what you put in your body and we would love to help educate you on exactly how to do this.

Fountain of You specializes in treatments such as Botox, fillers, and injectables, laser treatments for hair removal and skin resurfacing. We also offer a full array of anti-aging services. We know that aging is a natural part of life, however, how you age is up to you. We can construct a customized plan based on your individual needs and concerns. From diet and fitness to hormone replacement therapies, our team is here to assist you. Are you ready to live your best life? If so, contact our office today and set up a consultation. We look forward to working alongside you.

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Tightline Productions (Staff)
Tight Line Productions is an award-winning, full-service advertising agency.
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