Melbourne, FL

Surviving Holiday Parties in Style

Surviving Holiday Parties

Holiday party season is in full swing and it seems like everywhere you turn there is something to tempt you. From family get-togethers to parties and school functions, there’s no end in sight. With so many options to choose from, it’s no wonder that most Americans tend to gain additional weight during this time of year. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that holiday weight gain is indeed a real thing. You aren’t alone if you struggle with tighter fitting clothing at the end of December. The good news is that you do not have to become a statistic.

There are steps you can take to not only enjoy the parties and gatherings but keep your weight in check as well. Fountain of You, Melbourne, FL’s premier anti-aging and aesthetic clinic, knows that everyone wants to enjoy the holidays guilt free. We know that beauty is more than skin deep. It comes from a place of contentment with who you are and the choices you make. You don’t have to sacrifice your desire to look and feel your best during this time of year. Here are some great tips for maintaining your healthy lifestyle AND enjoying all that this season has to offer.

For many, the stress of potentially gaining weight during the party season makes every event feel scary. We are here to say that you do not have to give in to that fear. You can enjoy yourself and still stay on track. Remember, one meal, one party, will not derail your hard work if you make the best decisions for you. Before you attend your next gathering, remember to fill up on high-quality protein and a little fat beforehand. This will ensure that you feel satisfied before you encounter the truffles, alcohol, and bacon-wrapped everything. If you are full, you can make better choices with what is presented to you.

The next thing you will want to do is portion wisely. Rather than eating directly off the party platters, grab a smaller sized plate and pick only the things you love. Don’t grab chips and chocolates at every go-round, make a choice to grab what you want for the evening and put them on the plate you have in hand. If you are afraid there won’t be any healthy options for you at a given event, consider bringing your own healthy side dish along to share. This will ensure there is something you enjoy and make you a party guest VIP too!

The holidays are a busy time for all of us. There are changes to our daily schedules and extra events that we are required to attend. It’s easy to forego workouts and healthy meals because there does not seem to be enough time. However, this is exactly why sticking to a routine is incredibly important. You may not have an entire hour to work out during this season, but getting in a quick 30-minute sweat session is possible, crucial even, to surviving the holidays. You won’t have control over every meal so be diligent to include healthy choices for the ones you do.

This is the season of the year when we come together to celebrate family and friendships. You don’t have to let the parties and soirées get you down. Remember your overall health goals and stick to them as much as possible and don’t forget that one cheat meal or drink will not undo all of your hard work!

Picture of Tightline Productions (Staff)
Tightline Productions (Staff)
Tight Line Productions is an award-winning, full-service advertising agency.
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