Melbourne, FL

Quality Over Quantity

Quality over Quantity

Here at Fountain of You we have always placed great emphasis on the importance of the foods that you put into your body. We take a whole person approach to health here because we know that to look and feel your best, you must be diligent about what you put into your body. Nourishing whole foods that are minimally processed and as close to nature as possible are what will assist your body in performing at its absolute best. In a world where quick fixes reign supreme, it is tempting to include what are essentially fake foods in your diet in an attempt to promote rapid weight loss. However, counterfeit foods won’t make you healthy. They will fill your body with unrecognizable ingredients. When you seek to change your diet be sure to eliminate all the CRAP: carbonation, refined foods, artificial junk, and processed foods.

Are you looking to improve your health and embark on a healthy weight loss journey? Perhaps you know of those who have experienced success with low carbohydrate diets and even the Keto Diet. Maybe you have heard the benefits of a low-fat diet and wondered if it might be a good fit for you. For many years now, the debate has been which diet is best. Dietary recommendations have fluctuated so much that solid answers are hard to come by. Are eggs okay? Should I avoid all carbohydrates? What about saturated fat? However, emerging science is now beginning to recognize that perhaps it is not about what diet is best but rather what diet is best for the individual. Yes, our individual differences can make a difference in how much success we will experience.

A groundbreaking study out of Stanford University recently took a look at the effectiveness of healthy low carbohydrate diets versus healthy low-fat diets and the results were astounding. Researchers followed over 600 participants between the ages of 18 and 50, half of which were women and the other half men, for the course of a year. Participants were randomly selected to be a part of either the HLC (healthy low carb) group or the HLF (health low-fat) group. Before the study began, each member of the study had their genomic information sequenced and their insulin levels tested. This was done as a way for researchers to try to predict dietary success. Are there indeed factors that make one diet best for one person while others that are more effective for different individuals?

What researchers found is that there was no significant difference between the groups with regards to weight loss and there was no effect due to genomic differences or insulin activity. What did seem to make a difference was the type of foods people chose, mainly choosing healthy whole foods that are not processed and free from refined ingredients. This is huge news when it comes to healthy weight loss as it supports the idea that WHAT you eat makes more of a difference as opposed to HOW MUCH you eat. Quality is indeed significantly more important than quantity.

When you are seeking to live your best life, what you ingest makes an incredible impact. Fountain of You can work with you to create a customized dietary and fitness plan. We also have a vast array of pharmaceutical and medical grade supplements. You know that we are home to laser hair removal in Melbourne, FL and that we provide Botox and aesthetic services in Brevard County as well. We also work with our clients to help them achieve optimal health. Contact our office today for more information.

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Tightline Productions (Staff)
Tight Line Productions is an award-winning, full-service advertising agency.
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