Melbourne, FL

Lip Injections 101

Lip Injections 101

The day has finally arrived! You are headed to our offices and taking the plunge. We hope you are as excited about your lip filler appointment as we are. Fountain of You is thrilled to be able to give our esteemed clients a choice when it comes to lip injections in Melbourne, FL. We know that every one of you is different and has unique needs. This is why we work with you before your treatment to ensure that you will get the best results possible. Customization and personalization are at the heart of everything we do.

Lip augmentation procedures create the fuller lips that so many of us are after and injectables are an incredible way to achieve the look without surgery. Statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons found that soft tissue fillers were within the top 5 minimally invasive procedures of the year 2017 with 2.7 million of us taking advantage of them! More and more women and men have found that injectables are a non-invasive way to alter their look without the pain and downtime of the knife. One way to take advantage of these in office procedures is to utilize Juvéderm or Restylane for lip augmentation and Fountain of You is proud to offer a full suite of both fillers.

If you are considering lip augmentation and wonder if there are things you should do to prepare yourself, here are some things to consider:

Avoid Blood Thinners

You do not want to take any blood thinning medications or consume products that could do the same at least 3 days before your treatment. This means you should avoid aspirin or Ibuprofen, Aleve, etc. Tylenol is okay. You will also want to avoid fish oils as well as alcohol (sorry). Why? You don’t want excessive bruising after your treatment and blood thinning agents can contribute to this.

Don’t Drink Alcohol

Okay, alcohol can act as a blood thinner and we just covered that. However, it is also inflammatory and you DO NOT want that so avoid the vino for at least 3 days before your treatment and follow the same advice afterward.

Don’t Massage Your Lips

It may be tempting to reach out and touch your plumped-up pout but doing so could move the filler around and mess with the finished look.

Don’t Exercise for 24 hours

Here’s a great reason to take a rest day, just in case you needed one. The reason for this is that exercise increases blood flow, which is generally a great thing. However, you don’t want this when your lips are healing.

Don’t Freak Out

You will experience some swelling post procedure but know this isn’t the final product. Give your body time to heal.

Have you ever considered lip augmentation to enhance your natural pout? If so, researching possible injectables for your favored outcome can be a bit overwhelming. It is for this reason that Fountain of You offers free consultations to help you choose which filler is best suited for your individual needs. We even offer same day procedures after your consultation so you can get on with your day. Are you ready to look as fabulous as you feel? Contact Fountain of You today and let us help.

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Tightline Productions (Staff)
Tight Line Productions is an award-winning, full-service advertising agency.
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