What is Kybella (Deoxycholic Acid) Injection?
Kybella is a synthetic deoxycholic acid injectable that destroys fat cells under the chin area (submental fat). It effectively abolishes the fat cells and they cannot return.

Fountain of You Medical Spa in Melbourne, FL offers Kybella, the first and only product that can remove a double chin forever! The active ingredient in Kybella mimics deoxycholic acid, a naturally occurring molecule our bodies produce to break down and absorb dietary fat cells. This is a non-invasive alternative to liposuction, and it is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment that eliminates fat cells under the chin permanently.
How does Kybella work?
Kybella is administered through a series of injections to the neck and chin. The amount of fat under the chin varies from person to person, so the number of treatments required to improve your appearance will vary. One of the great things about Kybella is that each treatment generally takes under 20 minutes, and recovery time is minimal. When your desired outcome is achieved you will have a dramatically improved profile, and your double chin will be gone forever.
Once the fat cells have been eliminated, fat can no longer accumulate under the chin since Kybella destroys these fat cells. As with any cosmetic procedure, it is very important to have an experienced, licensed professional administer Kybella. At Fountain of You, our professional and certified staff is well-versed in Kybella treatments, and we will design a custom plan to fit each of our patient’s needs and goals. We proudly serve men and women in Melbourne, Palm Bay, Viera and all of Brevard County. Call today to schedule a complimentary consultation.
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