Melbourne, FL

Freedom From Shaving With Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal has revolutionized self-care for men and women alike. Think about it. How much time per week do you spend shaving away unwanted hair? Have you ever stopped to calculate how much time this process actually takes? You find the perfect razor for your needs only to have the razor dull requiring the purchase of a new blade…over and over again. The same holds true for the perfect line of shaving creams and accessories that at least keep your skin somewhat razor bump free. You find a great fit for you and then have to constantly make sure you do not run out. It is a hassle and the expense builds up over time.

According to Bluebeards Revenge, a British shaving line for men, the average man spends around 45 days of his life shaving his beard. Yes, you read that right. This breaks down to more than 1,000 hours and most men shave at least 4 times a week. These sessions take time that most don’t have and can leave a face broken out and rough. Who wants that?

Women fare even worse in the shaving game. Each shave takes around 15 minutes and most women shave, on average, 3 to 4 times a week. This adds up to 72 days in a given lifetime according to an article on the Huffington Post website. What’s even worse is that women wholeheartedly admit that shaving is their least favorite beauty necessity. So, why does everyone keep up this game that costs time and money? What if there was a better way? What if you could kiss shaving goodbye for the rest of your life?

Have you ever considered laser hair removal in Melbourne, FL? If so, Fountain of You, Melbourne, FL’s premier anti-aging and aesthetic clinic, would love to set up a free consultation with you to discuss your options. Laser hair removal may take multiple sessions to complete but is well worth the time you will spend doing so. Imagine yourself free from shaving, waxing, and other forms of painful hair removal that simply do not last. We utilize the Lumenis LightSheer INFINITY which allows us to create a fully customizable experience for each of our clients. This new technology gives us the opportunity to serve differing skin tones and ethnic backgrounds making laser hair removal possible for just about anyone.

Your time is important. Why not set yourself free with laser hair removal? Our highly experienced team at Fountain of You is excited to work with you to get rid of that unwanted hair this summer! For any questions you may have about laser hair removal for yourself or someone you love, please contact our office today. We look forward to speaking with you.

Picture of Tightline Productions (Staff)
Tightline Productions (Staff)
Tight Line Productions is an award-winning, full-service advertising agency.
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