Dermal Fillers for Under Eye Hollows

Dermal Fillers - Melbourne FL

Hollows and dark skin on the underneath portion of your eye can be a huge burden for some. No matter how much sleep you get or how many ounces of water you drink, you still cannot seem to rid yourself of the sunken area and darkened circles that accompany them. Does this sound familiar to you? If so, please know that you are not alone. This is a common occurrence and often related to aging and genetics. Did you know that volume loss occurs as we age and, in turn, this often creates what is known as tear troughs? The skin under the eye is incredibly thin as well and this is why dark circles often accompany the hollowed appearance. There is hope, however! Fountain of You, Melbourne, FL’s premier anti-aging and aesthetic clinic knows that sunken eyes and dark circles can really play a role in how you feel about yourself. We offer a viable solution in dermal fillers like Restylane in Melbourne that can help revitalize this area of your face and give you the lift you need to boost your confidence. Read on for more information on how sunken eyes develop and what you can do about it.

Late Nights

There is no denying that we live extremely busy lives. Our days are maxed out from the time we wake up to the moment our heads hit the pillow at night with many of us struggling to find the work-life-family balance that we crave. Sleep often falls to the wayside as we dive into our jobs and families, leaving us foggy and weary to start the next day. Have you ever noticed how your eyes reflect a poor night of poor sleep? Many of us see our lack of sleep reflected on our faces each and every morning. For those of you who develop dark circles and sunken eyes after a poor night’s rest, the solution is sometimes just more rest if possible.

Lack of Hydration

Our bodies are made up primarily of water and if you are not properly hydrated, tear troughs and dark circles can appear. Many of us are dehydrated right now and just do not know it. Overconsumption of coffee, sodas, and alcohol can lead to dehydration as well. To combat this problem, try carrying a bottle of water with you everywhere you go. When you have a free moment, take a sip. Aim for roughly half your body weight in ounces of water each day and watch your eyes sparkle like never before!

Aging and Genetics

Volume loss underneath the eye along with thinning of the skin can create sunken dark circles. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about this. We all age. Some of us are genetically predisposed to tear troughs as well and no matter what we do, they simply will not go away.

There is no denying the value a great night’s sleep, proper nutrition, exercise, and overall physical and mental health and its effects. When one of these pillars of health crumbles, our outward appearance will tend to reflect those deficits. However, when genetics and the natural aging process come into play there isn’t much you can do on your own. This is why dermal fillers are such a great solution. They offer relatively long-term results with no downtime. You can be in and out of our office in no time and back to your day. Our professionals know how to administer these products to give you a natural look that will have people assuming you slept on a cloud! We also offer cosmetic services including Botox, micro needling, Kybella, and laser hair removal in Melbourne, FL. Contact Fountain of You today for a FREE consultation and let us help you look as great as you feel.

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Tightline Productions (Staff)
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