Women’s Top 4 Skin Concerns

Having concerning thoughts about your skin? You are not alone! Here are the top 4 skin concerns. A facial in Melbourne FL might make it all better!
Peptide Therapy for Weight Loss

Peptide therapy for weight loss at Fountain of You combines tirzepatide and semaglutide injections with diet and exercise for effective weight loss.
Kybella – The Non-Surgical Chin Lift

Explore the benefits of a non-surgical chin lift with Kybella Melbourne FL, a quick and non-invasive solution to eliminate double chins effectively.
September Dermaplaning Special at Fountain of You

Summer is winding down. Perhaps you are noticing some effects of the summer sun on your face. Does your skin look dull? Are you noticing uneven pigmentation? Dermaplaning is a great way to freshen your facial skin and restore your natural glow!
Is a Med Spa Right for Me?

You may not be familiar with the term “med spa.” Considering the concept has really only been around for about thirty years in the U.S., you aren’t alone. Med spas combine the concept of a relaxing, day spa environment with anti-aging medical procedures. We are all aging from the day we are born, so the […]
125+ Five Star Google Reviews for Fountain of You Medical Spa!

Fountain of You Medical Spa is excited to announce that our amazing clients have helped us surpass 125 five-star reviews on Google! Just nine months ago we were pleased to announce that we had reached 75 five-star reviews. Thank you to all those who have taken the time to not only give us a positive […]
Medical Marijuana for Stress Relief During Holidays and All Your-round

We recognize that many people do not wish to take prescription medications, so, Dr. Zipper, offers medical marijuana for stress relief for patients with qualifying medical conditions. The holidays can be a particularly stressful time of year for many people, especially in 2020. If you are suffering from anxiety or depression, medical marijuana may provide […]
Fountain of You is Glowing with 75 Google Reviews

Fountain of You is glowing with 75 Google Reviews, and we are excited. Thanks to our amazing clients! Not only have we reached 75 reviews, but we have maintained a FIVE STAR rating! We are thrilled that our clients are so happy that they chose to take time out of their busy schedules to leave […]
How to Cleanse Your Face the Right Way

You’ve got great cleansing products. You did your research and found a product line that works for the type of skin you have. Now what? You would think there’s no best way to properly cleanse your face, right? However, simply lathering on cleanser and rinsing it away just won’t cut it. Sure, something is better […]