Tackling Menopause Through Anti-Aging Services

Tackling Menopause Through Anti-Aging Services

Menopause- the ugly “M” word that women do not generally look forward to.  The benefit of no more menstrual cycles is definitely the silver lining of the menopausal process.  Menopause doesn’t have to just happen to you while you sit back and take its punches though.  There are multiple anti-aging services that can help you tackle menopause and take charge of your body.

Anti-aging services are a great way to tackle menopause and take charge of what’s happening to your body during menopause.  Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy can help balance your hormones and tackle some of menopause’s most frustrating effects.  Laser hair removal can help remove new, unwanted hair growth.  PRP Microneedling for hair growth may help restore thickness to your now thinning hair.  And, a good weight loss and fitness program can help you combat the unwanted changes occurring in your body such as fat retention.

In this article, we will discuss a variety of anti-aging services available at Fountain of You in Melbourne, FL.   These services are designed to help you tackle menopause gracefully and with dignity without letting it beat you up!  We can’t prevent all of the effects that accompany menopause, but we can help make the transition easier.  Check out what we have to offer!

#1 Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone imbalances are a key factor in menopause.  They change our bodies and even our moods.  Recreating this balance through bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is one of our goals at Fountain of You.  We want you to look and feel your best.  Balancing your hormones is extremely helpful in meeting this goal.

Hormones affected by menopause include estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, human growth hormone (HGH), DHEA, and thyroid.  When these hormones are imbalanced it affects your libido, energy level, memory, mood, muscle mass, fat accumulation, facial hair gain, and head hair loss.

DHEA is a particularly important hormone in this process.  It is the most common steroid hormone in your body.  DHEA is the body’s “master hormone” and  can be metabolized into testosterone and estrogen.  Because of this, supplementing with DHEA may allow the body to choose which hormone is needed to help restore your body’s hormone balance.

We will educate you about the important roles of these different hormones, test your levels, and help you pursue solutions to bring back balance to your body.  Bioidentical hormones metabolize easily and have less toxic byproducts than other hormone replacement therapies.

#2  Laser Hair Removal

 Unfortunately, one of the effects of menopause can be unwanted hair growth, such as facial hair in women.  Fountain of You offers laser hair removal which is much more effective than shaving or waxing.  It is longer lasting and sometimes permanent.  We use the Lumenis Splendor X laser hair removal system.  Our system can safely treat all skin types and reduces treatment time by up to 75% compared to other systems! Say goodbye to that unwanted facial hair!

#3 PRP Microneedling for Hair Growth

PRP is Platelet-Rich Plasma.  We draw your blood, put it through our centrifugation machine to separate the plasma, then inject it into your scalp.  You are unlikely to have any adverse effects as the plasma is from your own blood.  It is a possible solution for your thinning hair as it can provide longer, fuller, thicker, hair regrowth. It is not guaranteed that your hair follicles will respond, but it is worth trying!  To learn more about it, check out our previous blog, “PRP Microneedling for Hair Growth.”

#4 Weight Loss and Fitness

 The changes that take place in your body during menopause can be a bit alarming.  While losing weight or gaining muscle tone was once easily attained (for some, not all), it is generally a challenge for all now.  This can be a frustrating aspect of menopause, but again, it can be tackled.  Don’t throw your arms up in defeat.

Diet and fitness will always be the mainstays of healthy living.  Don’t look for a miracle fix of a little pill while you sit on the couch watching TV and eating ice cream.  That’s a myth!  There are weight loss assistants that are effective, but weight loss will always require diet and fitness too.  By diet, we don’t mean a fad diet.  We mean eating healthy food in proper portion sizes with occasional treats!

At Fountain of You, we offer InBody Scan which is a great tool for providing precise information about the mass and distribution of fat, lean muscle.  This information allows us to create an informed plan for your weight and fitness goals.  To assist your weight goals, we offer Ozempic (semaglitude) and Mounjaro (Tirzepatide). These are examples of those helpful weight loss assistants that are not magical pills!

Anti-Aging Services Offered at Fountain of You

Menopause is a natural and inevitable part of aging.  Embrace the benefit – no more menstrual cycle!  And tackle the effects of menopause that you don’t like.  At Fountain of You, our anti-aging services are designed to do just that!  If you live in the Melbourne, FL area, then look no further for best local med spa offering bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, laser hair removal, PRP Treatment, and weight loss and fitness plans.  We will join forces with you with enthusiasm and compassion to help make your menopause journey one of victories and not defeat!

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