Get a Surgery-Free Chin Lift at Fountain of You with Kybella!

Get a Surgery-Free Chin Lift at Fountain of You with Kybella!

Having double of something is usually a good thing – a double espresso, a double blessing like twins, a double helping of ice cream!  But none of us would say a double chin falls in that same category.  Nothing good about it, right?  Sometimes even with significant weight loss, a double chin can stubbornly hang in there.  But that is not the end of the story!  There IS something you can do about your double chin.

As frustrating as a double chin is and as much as you want to get rid of it, you may not be willing to risk surgery.  That’s why we are so excited to share with you the amazing surgery-free chin lift offered at Fountain of You!  Kybella is the answer you have been looking for to return your face to its former shape and youthful appearance.

In this article, we will look at what Kybella is and the benefits it offers.  If you are ready to say goodbye to your double chin, then this article is for you.  Read on to learn more about Kybella and what it can do for you.

What Is Kybella?

Scientifically speaking, Kybella is a synthetic deoxycholic acid injectable.  That clears things right up, doesn’t it?  What if we told you that it means Kybella destroys fat cells that can’t return?  Now that DOES clear things up!  Whoa!  Goodbye forever to those under-the-chin fat cells?  Yes, please!  Kybella mimics a molecule that naturally occurs in our bodies.  This molecule breaks down and absorbs dietary fat cells.  When destroyed, those fat cells cannot reform or return.

What Is a Kybella Treatment?

 A Kybella treatment to eliminate your double chin consists of a series of injections to the neck and chin.  A treatment usually takes less than 20 minutes.  The number of treatment sessions required to eliminate your double chin varies by person.  Once you achieve the look you desire, your treatments can be done.  Click here to view before and after pictures to see Kybella’s amazing results.

What Are the Benefits of Kybella?


  • About half of patients in clinical trials received 6 treatments, but you may be satisfied with your results in as little as 2-3 treatments.


  • You can achieve the desired result without surgery.


  • Kybella requires virtually no recovery time after each treatment, unlike chin lifts and liposuction.


  • No swelling or bruising like other chin lift procedures. Nobody will even know you are getting Kybella treatments.  They will just know your face, neck, and chin look great!


  • It is safe. Kybella is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment for eliminating a double chin.


Fountain of You, located in Melbourne, FL, offers Kybella treatments to rid you of that frustrating double chin!  With a few sessions of Kybella injections, your face will regain the natural shape that you thought was gone forever.  Virtually painless and taking less than 20 minutes per session, Kybella is the surgery-free chin lift solution for double chins.  With a quick call to Fountain of You, we can have you scheduled for your first Kybella appointment!  We look forward to helping you say goodbye forever to your double chin!

Picture of Tight Line Productions
Tight Line Productions
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