Melbourne, FL

Remedies for Uneven Skin Tone – Part One

Cheerful girls spending time together

Have you ever looked in the mirror and noticed that the skin around your mouth, nose or chin was a different shade than the rest of your face? If so, you’re not alone. There are many factors that can come into play to create an uneven skin tone. Acne can leave scars on your chin, cheeks, forehead, or back. Pregnancy can result in stretch marks on your belly and hips. Hereditary traits can also come into play when it comes to the pigmentation of your skin. Hyperpigmentation, which is the overproduction of melanin in the body, can also be traced to hormonal imbalances, certain diseases, and exposure to the sun.  Regardless of the causes, uneven skin tone is something most people experience. And, although it’s common, especially as we age, it can be considered aesthetically unappealing by some.

Here at Fountain of You, Melbourne, FL’s premier anti-aging clinic, we know that we all age, but how you age is up to you! We want you to have confidence when you look in the mirror! If you, like millions of others, are unhappy with uneven skin tone, we have so many services and procedures that can improve the appearance and texture of your skin. From chemical peels to face fillers like Sculptra and Juvederm, we can help you look and feel your best. In our next blog, we will discuss some of these services in more detail. But first, we wanted to go over some home remedies you might like to try to correct uneven skin pigmentation!

Baking Soda

You probably have some of this in your pantry! This simple household staple can be used for so many things, and beauty care is no exception. Mix baking soda with water to form a thick paste and apply it to the uneven or dark spots on your skin. Let it dry for a few minutes and wash the mixture off thoroughly. The alkaline properties of baking soda and the texture can help cleanse and exfoliate the skin. You can repeat this several times a week.


Natural yogurt with no colors or additives can make a great DIY face mask! Its bleaching properties help even out skin tone and reduce dark spots. Simply take one tablespoon of natural yogurt and mix it with about a teaspoon of water. Gently massage it onto your face and allow it to sit for about 30 minutes, then rinse it off. This can be done 4-5 times per week.

Green Tea

This contains tons of antioxidants, so drinking green tea will benefit your skin and overall skin. But, there are other uses for green tea – the tea bags to be specific! After you make your tea, take the tea bags after they have cooled and place them directly on any dark marks on your skin. The antioxidants from the green tea will help even out your skin tone, and you can enjoy this healthy drink to boot.

While these natural remedies are certainly worth a try, taking a more proactive approach to correcting uneven skin pigmentation will, of course, produce noticeable results much more quickly and efficiently. At Fountain of You, we help clients all over Brevard County achieve their aesthetic goals – including evening out skin tone with facials, laser treatments, or lip fillers! In our next blog, we’ll dive into the different treatments and procedures that can help achieve that flawless skin we’re all after. Stay tuned!

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Tightline Productions (Staff)
Tight Line Productions is an award-winning, full-service advertising agency.

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